Create an equalizer looking image for things like album covers and abstract art.
Follow up:
First of all, create a black background
Create a strip of a color, make sure its on a new layer.
Rotate the canvas clockwise 90 degrees
In the menu, go to (Filter -> Stylize -> Wind) Make sure you have "Wind" selected, not stagger or blast
Do this a few times. Make sure you do it for both sides at least once (I did it 2 times to each side)
Now, merge the background with with the layer that has your stripe on it.
Repeat (Filter -> Stylize -> Wind) to your layer at least twice in each direction.
To add it some glow, go to (Image -> Adjustments -> Brightness/Contrast) and adjust both contrast and brightness. Levels will depend on the color of your strip.
I personally used the Dodge and Burn Tool to spice up the image, but thats up to you.
Now, simply rotate the image counter clock wise 90 degrees, and your done!