Realistic Graffiti Effect - Photoshop Tutorials

Photoshop Tutorials

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Realistic Graffiti Effect Photoshop Tutorial

I'm going to attempt to put together a tutorial to give any aspiring photoshop graf writer the techniques needed to tag your images with a certain amount of realism.

This would take me a few hours to complete, because I'm a perfectionist and like to dick with projects long after they're done.

What you need to know
The steps are pretty basic and with a working knowledge of the:
-Selection tool (lasso, pen or other)
-Brush tool
-Blur tool
-Layer blending modes & styles

you should be good to go.

Thanks goes out to ck1gsy the photographer on the wall image I'm taggin.

1.Find your image you want to tag I'm using this wall. I chose it because its straight on, but also it already had some decent graffiti on it. for what I'm going to show you, It would take a bit more working of the images to get it that good. Im just giving you the tools to get started.
Graffiti Photoshop Tutorial

2.Find a source you want to put on your wall. Im going to start with this, a pic from bofft also on [url]

3. MAKE a selection & cut it out.

3. Make a stencil from it by doing the Image > Adjustments > Threshold. I set it to 32 for my image, yours may be different.

4. Go Select > Color Range. Then pick the white color. Set this to around 150 to 180. When you have your selection made, hit Cmd/Ctrl + X to cut it out. Then Cmd/Ctrl + V to paste it on to a new layer. (you will now have a black layer and a white layer.

5. Drag and Drop your Black layer on your wall image. Size it and place it wherever you like. Run the Gaussian Blur filter. 1 Px radius.

6. Select Brush Tool, Round Soft edged brush / Dissolve Blending Mode / 30% Opacity. Brush around some of the edges of your image. (on the same layer). This creates the overspray effect.

7. Select Blur Tool. Round Soft edged brush / 30% Opacity. Work on the edges you just sprayed on. So there's detail, but not so crisp.

8. Drag in the white layer that accompanies the black one. Position and size accordingly. put under the Black layer

9.Work the white layer just like you did the Black one. Gaussian Blur > Brush Tool on Dissolve on some of the edges > Blur Tool on edges.

10. Adding some drips. I found some excellent free brushes at [url] SpoonGraphics sets 1 and 2 to be specific. Work them into the white layer. Set your White layer to Overlay Blending Mode in the Layers Palette.

11.the white was too blah for me... so using a layer style I changed the white layer to a green/yellow gradient. I flattened that layer after I set my gradient, so i can set my "white" layer to Overlay again.

12. That's about it. A simple process of getting your image broken down to only a few colors. b/w for starters. Working the edges a little. adding some bells and whistles.

13. I added a few more elements to this. Excellent graffiti fonts can be found at "Street Art" is the Nosegrind font. I built this up to 3 layers and played with some of the layer blending modes.

14. Photochopz logo. is just a brush. It got treated and tweaked like the rest. Same goes for Wefunk. Logo of an excellent radio station. Find them on Itunes or [url]

15. Tejmik, drawn up, scanned in, cleaned up. treated and tweaked like the rest.

Graffiti Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Hope you enjoyed this and found it useful. And THAT is my 100 bar rhyme. Happy Tagging


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